
Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoned Chicken Recipe #ShakeYourRanch

I keep it simple when I cook. And when I say simple, I mean that I almost never cook because pizza is just so easy to find these days. Tonight we sat down for a real meal after being away for almost two weeks climbing volcanos, photographing waterfalls, petting sheep, and getting engaged. The food in Iceland did NOT appeal to my delicate palate, so a home-cooked meal was utterly necessary. Sadly, it turns out that I'm the only person who can cook in this house so that duty fell to me. Here are the ingredients I used to craft this wife-worthy culinary masterpiece: 1 packet Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing & Seasoning Mix 2 boneless skinless chicken breast 1 bag Petit Gourmet French Beans 1/2 lb Whole Foods Corn & Arugula Salad After gagging over the rawness of the fresh chicken breast (I prefer chicken to either be alive or already cooked tbh), I shook it up with some Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning and tossed it on the grill for about 15-20 minutes. We like i

The Travel Series: Fast Friends & the Various Purposes They Serve

Whether you’re traveling or not, fast friends exist in all areas and cultures of the world. Urban dictionary describes a fast friend as a loyal, close, and permanent friend. It’s really the way that you make these friends that is most important, not necessarily whether or not you ever see them again. The point is that you’ve found a common factor to bond over almost immediately. You can’t always choose your fast friends, but beggars can’t be choosey in these situations.  There’s a fast friend for almost every situation in life (though I’m sure there are exceptions for situations I have not found myself in). My favorite kind of fast friends are the ones you meet while traveling. They are a herd of characters, and you need them. They don’t make it into the pictures, there’s no commitment to share the intimate details of your life, and you probably didn’t even catch their name – pure bliss. Here are a few examples of my favorites for your reference: The Airplane Friend – you have to

Grad School: A Guide for Beginners

To be fair, no one ever said grad school would be a piece of cake. But if they did, I would correct them and tell them that getting your MSW is not just one piece of cake, it's the entire cake, and you have to eat all of it yourself.  That sounds good at first, but then they tell you that you have to eat the cake while running a marathon.  And while you're running the marathon, there's a house at the top of the hill on fire and you have to run up there and save everybody and if you let anyone die, well, that's inexcusable, you're dismissed.  So you say okay, whatever, and run up the hill and you save everybody and then you hit some flat road. You're feeling really relieved but you still have half a cake left to eat. After all that, the cake doesn't sound all that bad.  Surprise again! You don't just have to run the marathon, you actually need to win it, and you are NOT in 1st place right now. So you hastily quit your job because you'

California: Hot Topics & The Highlights

This past weekend I visited my best friend and roommate from college ( Jaimee ) on her new side of the country. The trees are way cooler, but I'm still allergic to them. ( Please see attached #basic California pic that I took  at Pacific Beach ). Don't leave just yet, because this post will also encompass the following concepts: Binge Drinking Providing ID Break Dancing Opening a Tab The VIP Section Suicide Doors Let's begin by discussing the idea of binge drinking as a whole, as binge drinking is the antagonist in this Cinderella story. I have searched the internet for the perfect definition of binge drinking, and finally found it on  Urban Dictionary .  2. binge drinking: formerly known as getting drunk/hammered/bladdered/legless, etc. The media's precise reason for their re-branding of this age-old practice remains unclear.  As an aside, they also define "drunk" as "when you have to hold on to the grass to keep from fal

How the Shoe Addiction Became So Real

We all laugh when someone says that they're a "shopaholic", but guess who doesn't? My boyfriend. I AM a shopaholic and I have a problem. I see something on clearance and I have the innate ability to immediately convince myself that I cannot live without it. The reason that I refer to this "ability" as "innate" is my MOTHER. She didn't give me a big booty or tons of money - but she did teach me to never pay full price. This brings us to the Jessica Simpson shoes in today's post. These gorgeous magenta masterpieces found their home at DSW sometime last September and sat full price on a shelf, glaring at me. I ignored the advances, the side glances, and the 20% off signs. Until the very end of winter. It was a Friday night. My boyfriend was at yet another hockey tournament, leaving me unsupervised and to my own devices. I had mostly forgotten about the flats, as there are many shoes that try to lure me into purchasing them full price. Ho

My Cause: Boston Children's Hospital

For me, each day begins with the struggle to assemble the perfect outfit, one hour of traffic, and two cups of coffee. For the families with which I work at Boston Children's Hospital, each day is different and can begin with happiness, sadness, stress, fear, anger, and a host of other emotions that I couldn't possibly begin to understand as an outsider. When your child is ill, the world continues to operate around you. The mortgage is still due, the car insurance needs to be paid, and most parents cannot afford to work full-time and be present to support their child. Time constraints aside, it is often emotionally and physically impossible to work when the person you love most in the world is suffering. Many families travel to Boston Children's Hospital from across the country and across the world in order to access the world-renowned medical care that their child deserves and desperately needs. Contrary to popular belief, most of these families cannot even afford th

At Long Last...

While Instagram has served as a wonderful place for me to express myself and share my blossoming "passion for fashion", it seems I have more to say than one can fit in a single caption. The idea of keeping up with a blog has intimidated me for a long time. What would the theme be? How much do I really have to say about fashion? Can I talk about other things besides fashion? Then I realized that it doesn't matter because the only person who currently follows this blog is me! At any rate, let this serve as an outlet for creative expression, a window into my thought process (brace yourself), and an extension of the very things that make me happy.