My Cause: Boston Children's Hospital

For me, each day begins with the struggle to assemble the perfect outfit, one hour of traffic, and two cups of coffee. For the families with which I work at Boston Children's Hospital, each day is different and can begin with happiness, sadness, stress, fear, anger, and a host of other emotions that I couldn't possibly begin to understand as an outsider.

When your child is ill, the world continues to operate around you. The mortgage is still due, the car insurance needs to be paid, and most parents cannot afford to work full-time and be present to support their child. Time constraints aside, it is often emotionally and physically impossible to work when the person you love most in the world is suffering.

Many families travel to Boston Children's Hospital from across the country and across the world in order to access the world-renowned medical care that their child deserves and desperately needs. Contrary to popular belief, most of these families cannot even afford the airfare to get to Boston, let alone the cost of accommodations, parking, food, necessities, etc.

This year, I am walking 6 miles around our lovely city in an effort to raise money for these families who give it their all every single day, even when they don't feel like they can last another minute. I am extremely passionate about my role at Boston Children's Hospital and the patients and families that I serve. They inspire in a way that no one else can. I can't solve all of the hardships that my families face. I can't pay their bills for them. I cannot promise them that their child will survive. If all I can do is walk 6 miles and ask those around me to do the same, then it's a step in the right direction.

Join me and nearly 5,000 others who are dedicated to raising funds for the children and families at Boston Children's Hospital. Walk 6 miles with me, or cheer me on from home. Donate $10, more if you have the means, none if you aren't able, but please keep the patients and families at Boston Children's Hospital in your hearts and on your minds.

Follow this link to donate to "Quick Feet For Heartbeats", my team for the 2017 Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital!


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