Grad School: A Guide for Beginners

To be fair, no one ever said grad school would be a piece of cake. But if they did, I would correct them and tell them that getting your MSW is not just one piece of cake, it's the entire cake, and you have to eat all of it yourself. 

That sounds good at first, but then they tell you that you have to eat the cake while running a marathon. 

And while you're running the marathon, there's a house at the top of the hill on fire and you have to run up there and save everybody and if you let anyone die, well, that's inexcusable, you're dismissed. 

So you say okay, whatever, and run up the hill and you save everybody and then you hit some flat road. You're feeling really relieved but you still have half a cake left to eat. After all that, the cake doesn't sound all that bad. 

Surprise again! You don't just have to run the marathon, you actually need to win it, and you are NOT in 1st place right now. So you hastily quit your job because you're obviously going to die anyway so it's only right to give them some notice. 

You finished the cake, you saved all the people, you won the marathon. 

Congratulations! Please accept these three shiny pennies and a group of angry parents as your reward! Unfortunately, we voted Donald Trump into office while you were running and he banned survival. By the way, you owe us roughly $65,000 - will that be cash, credit, organ donation, or your first born? Just as a side note - if you choose organ donation there will be an additional fee since having organs is a pre-existing condition. 

~*~FoLLoW yOuR dReAmS~*~ 

Xo Chelsea


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